Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Where did 2011 go?

I have been seriously preoccupied else where....
I will attempt to attend to this blog more diligently in 2012....but that is not a New Year's resolution.  I don't make them. 

My last bead project of 2011, the Tila Bead Bracelet designed by the beautiful Kellie Burns, was lost during a girls day out to the DIA.  Sigh, I knew I should have added a safety chain to the magnetic clasp.  Sadly, I don't even have a picture of it.  It turned out lovely and in colors I don't normally use.  Someone out there found it and now has the pleasure of losing it themselves when they wear it. 

I have many things on my plate for 2012 and it will be an exciting year!  Hopefully it will not include visits from local law enforcement, various civil servants or require trips to the attorney's office for a change! One can only hope!  Ironically I wrapped up 2011 with a lovely encounter with the aforementioned law enforcement just before Christmas.  No good deed goes unpunished.  In transit to give groceries to the needy family living in my rental house in Mt. Clemens I was stopped by the local patrol officer.  (Read wet behind the ears, snot nosed youngster packing heat and an attitude)  What a beautiful addition to the Christmas lights, red and blue flashing lights just for me!  My DH and I were both baffled and could not begin to guess why.  It seems the light in the previous intersection was Yellow when I rolled through the intersection.  Mind you, I was not even going the speed limit. It's not as if I gunned my minivan to make it either, not at all.....barely strolling through town by my estimation.  It was rather amusing actually.  I smiled serenely and confidently shared my complete surprise, while relishing the knowledge that I had done nothing worthy of being stopped.  Even if he remotely thought of ticketing me, I knew I would hand him his 8$$ in court.  With a clean driving record and no actual violation he sent me on my way...go figure.  Good for a laugh. But sent our "Incident Board" back to zero. 
Hmm, when I started typing this I thought I didn't have anything interesting to tell you.  Hah!

Okay, so far for 2012 we are 4 days without incident!
I have a beaded ring from the December issue of B&B almost done. I have several magazine projects I want to do. I also have to sit and do some design work for Synergy! My bead maker Sylvus is already working prototypes for me!

Let's get on with 2012 then!

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